The Super Ordinary Lab looks at near to market or just-in market technologies to understand their social significance and potentialities. Broad-based trends are tracked for the purposes of meaningful innovation in technologies and ethnographic methods are deployed to understand the originating (and exploratory) cultures of production as well as potential users of these technologies.

Research programs are created on a case-by-case basis, depending on the type of technological acquisition, its market standing, partner interest, community uptake, and curricular possibilities.
With each acquisition, the lab will produce a growing understanding of innovation. 

All Projects

Event Logo. Black and orange text spelling the name of the project

Abuse and the Law: Understanding the Wicked Problem of Domestic Violence

4 smaller images demonstrating interactive content


Clever Devices Banner

Clever Devices


Neutral Carbon Project : Climate friendly shopping Poster

Neutral Carbon Products

The future of carbon information

The Future of Carbon Information: About Consumer Products

With You Banner

WITH YOU: An Interactive Stool Set For Children with ASD

Still Waiting for Disruption - Understanding Barriers to Access to Justice Technologies

A photograph of OCAD U with the report title overlaid in black text

Decrypting the Medium: A Report on the NFT Market